Thursday, January 17, 2008

How American's Usually Die

It is the one great certainty about life, that one day you will die, but the way it can happen can vary in so many ways. There are so many possibilities out there and some are far more likely than others. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a total of 2.5 million American's Die each year for various reasons. Below is a chart listing the most common causes from statistics that were compiled in the year 2003, the most recent year for which stats are available. The chart lists the cause of death followed by the number of victims claimed that year:

1. Heart Disease --------------685,089
2. Cancer -----------------------556,902
3. Stroke -----------------------157,689
4. Respiratory Disease--------126,382
5. Various Accidents-----------109,277 (Motor vehicles-44,757)
6. Diabetes----------------------74,219
7. Suicide -----------------------31,484
8. Homicide---------------------17,732
9. H.I.V. ------------------------13,658
10. Liver Disease --------------12,360

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