Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Most Nuclear Powered Countries On Earth

In the wake of the nuclear disaster that took place and is taking place in Japan with its power plants after the earthquake and Sunami that hit there in March it might be an interesting question to ponder just how many nuclear reactors there are currently in the World and what countries they exist in. The current total is 438 that are active and producing energy today. The country with the most reactors by far is the U.S. with a current total of 104. The United States however has not licenced a new one in over thirty years. The second most nuclear country is France with 58. Third is Japan with 54. Russia has 32. South Korea has 20. India and the U.K. both currently have 19 each. Canada has 18. Germany has 17. The Ukraine has 15. China has 11 working reactors at this time but has an additional 23 under construction.