Sunday, March 20, 2011

Facebook Facts And Figures

Don't look now but the Internet website Facebook has taken over the known universe. Kudos to the new boy king Zuckerberg. In case you are not sure just how dominant and ubiquitous Facebeeok has become here are just a few facts about the site:

  • In 2010 Facebook signed up profile number 500,000,000. That is 1 out of every 13 people currently on this planet who are now also on Facebook.

  • 48% of 18-34 year old's say that they check Facebook right after they wake up everyday.

  • 72% of the U.S. web audience is now on Facebook.

  • 57% of people questioned say that they now talk more on Facebook than they do in real life.

  • 48% of Americans say that they find out news for the first time on Facebook.

  • 750 million photos were uploaded to Facebook over last New Years eve.

  • Every 20 minutes on facebook there are:

  • 1,000,000 links shared

  • 1,484,000 event invites

  • 1,323,000 tagged photos

  • 1,851,000 status updates

  • 1,972,000 friend requests accepted

  • 2,716,000 photos uploaded

  • 10,208,000 comments made.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Failure Steve Jobs And Henry Ford Have In Common

We all know that Steve Jobs and Henry Ford have a lot of success in common. They both created something that the world went crazy for that made them both uncounted millions. In Henry Fords case it was the car of course and in Steve Jobs case it was the earliest personal computer systems. In both cases they revolutionized the world for better or for worse.
One failure that they have in common is that they both tried to create a new version of their original invention that was named after one of their children and in both cases it was a failure. In Henry Fords case it was the "Edsel." It was first released in 1958 and it was named after his son Edsel Ford who had died in May 1943. The model lasted less than three years and after selling poorly finally disappeared from showrooms nationwide. One of the biggest complaints that some consumers had about the "Edsel" was that its front nose design to some people resembled a toilet bowl.
For Steve Jobs the failure first began in 1978 shortly after the birth of his daughter Lisa. He got the idea to name the new computer system he was building "The Lisa." It took about 4 years and it cost an estimated 50 million dollars to develop and it debuted in early 1983 at a cost of $10,000 a copy. After two years and only about 100,000 units sold and many revisions to the original design the project was largely abandoned and replaced with a new computer system called "The Mackintosh" which after it debuted sold over 70,000 units in three months and went on to be much more of a success.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Is The Point Of Daylight Savings Time?

It is springtime again as i write this article and it is time again for me to get up on a ladder and climb up to my big clock on the wall and turn it over one hour. Have you ever wondered why we bother to do this? Well as it turns out there is more than one reason. The biggest one that is usually given is that it saves energy. How does it do that you might ask? Well the government says that by increasing the number of daylight hours in a persons workday it saves energy because things like the street lights in the city don't have to come on as early and they don't have to stay on as long. People driving in their cars don't have to turn on their headlights as early and it saves them energy and money. It also helps with traffic safety. There are fewer auto accidents in the daylight hours than at night because drivers can see better so it actually saves lives as well. It also reduces crime. Criminals prefer committing crimes at night it seems so with fewer night time hours available to them they commit fewer crimes. Probably the biggest and best reason of all is that it provides the public with more daylight hours after work so they can go out and shop or go dine or engage in other after work activities so it is also actually good for certain industries like retail and restaurants. The original reason for daylight savings time was in order to provide farmers with more daylight hours to work their farms and grow more food and it still does this.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So How Do You Spell That Libyan Guy's Name?

While the people of Libya struggle to remove a dictator that has ruled over their country for over 40 years the media in the United States struggles to figure out exactly how to spell his name properly. As it turns out there is no one correct way to do it but several hundred ways it seems. The problem is that there are no exact letters or equivalent sounds in English for spelling several parts of his name ergo you get the numerous variations. Here are just some of the many different spellings that I came across in researching this article on how to spell that guy's name, what's his face:

  • Muammar Qaddafi

  • Mo'ammar Gadhafi

  • Muammar Kaddafi

  • Moammar El-Kadhafi

  • Muammar Qadhafi

  • Moammer El-Kazzafi

  • Moamar Al-Gaddafi

  • Muammar Al-Qathafi

  • Moamer El-Kadhafi

  • Muammar Qadafi

  • Moamar Gaddafi

  • Mu'ammar Qadhadafi

  • Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi

  • Muammar Quathafi

  • Muammar Al-Khaddfi

  • Mu'ammar Al-Qadhdhafi

  • Mu'amar Kadafi

  • Muammer Gheddafi

  • Muamar Khadafy

  • Muammar Ghaddafi

  • Mu'ammar Al-Qaddafi

  • Mohammer Q'udafi

POST SCRIPT: On October 20, 2011 Muammar Qaddafi was captured by rebels in Libya and brutally beaten, tortured, and finally shot at close range in the head. His death ended a 42 year reign as the leader of Libya.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pentagon Testing New Super Tiny Spy Plane

The next generation of UAV's (unmanned Aerial vehicles) is going to be smaller than ever before. The Pentagon is testing a UAV that will have the size and look of a Hummingbird hence the name "The Hummingbird Project." Instead of having unmanned spy planes that have wingspans of over 100 feet that can be shot out of the sky by potential enemies the Pentagon is thinking that shrinking these spy planes is a better idea. The Hummingbird UAV is only going to weigh about 19 grams. It will have a wingspan of only about 6 inches and it will be designed to look just like a little hummingbird flying in the sky. The smaller size will give it great advantages such as being able to fly into window openings of buildings and it will be a much harder target to shoot out of the sky because it will be much smaller than the current UAV's deployed. It will be able to fly upside down, from side to side, and also hover in the air. The company involved is called Aeroviornment who are working in partnership with the Defense Department. The biggest problem so far with Hummingbird is that it has only been able to stay in flight for about 11 minutes but this is an improvement over the 8 minutes it could only achieve last year in testing. If the project is further developed it can also have civilian surveillance uses in urban environments for law enforcement organizations it is believed.