Saturday, January 12, 2008

Atwood Oceanic's Stock Steadily Rising for a year.

In the seemingly never ending search to meet the world's demand for more and more energy, oil and gas companies are picking up their pace to try and keep up. Now that's not good for the planet but the truth of it is that the world is not going to reduce its energy consumption anytime soon it seems so companies like Atwood Oceanics (ATW) are going to be busy for a while. Atwood is an oil and gas well drilling contractor. It owns 8 drilling rigs including a submersible and 4 semi submersibles. In 2007 over 90% of its sales came from its international operations. The company is active in oceans all over the world including the Gulf of Mexico and it is expanding its operations to include off shore Japan.
The stock had a very good year in 2007. It started in January at about $45 a share. By March it was $50. In April it hit $60. By July $70. In September $80. In December $90. This month in the new year it hit $105 a share early and has slid back a little bit and so by January 11th it closed at $94.16 after taking a hit of $4.47 in its value for the day. It basically doubled in value in one year.

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