Wednesday, December 5, 2007

You gotta have faith

Now that the population of the world is well over 6 billion people it is not hard to understand that religions around the world are growing larger than ever. Do you know how many religions there are in the world? Well there are as it turns out more of them than you could shake a Bible at. In the world today there are 22 major ones. By major i mean religious faiths that have at least 500,000 followers. This standard leaves out religions like New Age and Taoism. Listed below are the worlds major religions and the estimated number of followers that are counted among their ranks as of this year.
1. Christians - 2.1 billion or 33% of the worlds population
2. Islam - 1.5 billion or 21% of the worlds population
3. Atheist or Agnostic - 1.1 billion
4. Hindu - 900 million
5. Chinese traditional religion - 394 million
6. Buddhism - 376 million
7. Primal-indegnous - 300 million
8. Diasporic - 100 million
9. Sikhism - 23 million
10. Juche - 19 million
11. Spiritism - 15 million
12. Judaism - 14 million - about 9 million live in Israel.
13. Baha'i - 7 million
14. Jainism - 4.2 million
15. Shinto - 4 million
16. Cao Dai - 4 million
17. Zoroastrianism - 2.6 million
18. Tenrikyo - 2 million
19. Neo-Paganism - 1 million
20. Unitarianism - 800,000
21. Rastafarianism - 600,000
22. Scientology - 500,000

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