Friday, December 21, 2007

World Population Explosion Well Under Way

According to a United Nations population estimate in the summer of 2007 the total number of humans currently living on the Earth is now 6,671,226,000. Now six and one half billion people is a startling amount but what is more amazing is just how quickly the Earths population has been growing in the last 200 years. Below is a chart beginning in the year 0 A.D. (which was the time of Jesus) and projected out to the year 2050 which tells the story of just how fast it has been growing and how fast it is expected to grow in the future.

World total Population:

0 A.D. ----- 300 million
1000 ------- 310 million
1800 ------- 1 billion
1927 ------- 2 billion
1960 ------- 3 billion
1974 ------- 4 billion
1987 ------- 5 billion
1999 ------- 6 billion
2050 ------- 9 billion

It is anticipated that by 2050 the demand for food and water will outstrip supply. It already does in some parts of the world and it is expected to worsen.

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