Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Alfred Nobel - His famous prize was born of guilt

Almost everyone in the world has heard of the Nobel prize but few know very much about the man behind it. Alfred Nobel was the inventor of dynamite in the year 1863. Initially he experimented with Nitroglycerine and progressed to blasting oil and from that to dynamite. His invention made him rich at an early age in 1863 he was only 30. He originally intended his invention to be used for industrial purposes but it gained increasing popularity in use for war. This fact took an emotional toll on him. It made him feel guilty. In response to this guilt he dedicated himself to the promotion of peace and established his Nobel Prize. The award is given every year on December 10th to commemorate the day he died in 1896. The first ones were awarded in 1901. Here now is a brief timeline of his life:
1833-Alfred Nobel is born in Stockholm Sweden.
1860-Begins his early experiments with Nitroglycerine.
1863-Obtains patent for Nitroglycerine and develops igniter (Blasting Caps),
1864-His brother Emil is killed during the preparation of Nitroglycerine in Stockholm.
1866-Establishes blasting oil company in America.
1867- obtains first patent for dynamite.
1870-Establishes dynamite manufacturing companies in U.K. and France the following year.
1873-Achieves enormous wealth and relocates to Paris from Sweden.
1889-His mother Andriette dies.
1891-Moves to Italy and settles in San Remo
1895-His third and last will is signed and establishes Nobel prizes.
1896-Dies at his home in San Remo.

P.S.-- Congradulations to Former Vice President and Senator Al Gore on his Nobel Prize for Peace which he was awarded yesterday in Oslo, Norway. The award was given to him for his on going efforts to educate others on the negative effects of global warming and his urging of citizens and governments around the world to take action to reverse the effects.

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