Monday, August 4, 2008

Suicide Rate In Japan Soaring

The day to day stress of modern day life can be difficult to handle for some but in japan it seems it is causing more people than ever to commit suicide in an attempt to escape from it. In 2007 the total number of Japanese who committed suicide was 32,863. This figure represents a 35% increase from the 1997 total. It is a figure in fact that is higher than the total number of suicides that occur in the United States annually. Keep in mind that the U.S. Has a population that is more than double that of Japan. The biggest reason is considered to be unemployment. The lack of a job carries a stigma in every society but in Japan it is much more so. Suicide is considered an honorable way out in many instances. Another leading cause is thought to be work related stress. There was also a reported increase in the number of students who committed suicide as well. That number increased to 339. Out of the total number there were 100 of whom decided to commit suicide by jumping in front of trains. In a new and strange twist Japan Railways has now started to go after the families of these people. The railway seeks compensation from the familes for the delays that the suicides cause the company. They are seeking and are expecting to receive about $70,000 from each family of every person who committs suicide in this way.

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