Tuesday, July 15, 2008

World's First Eco-club Opens In London

In the ongoing effort to save the world from a future ecological disaster even party goers will soon be able to join in on the fight simply by hitting a club and dancing the night away. It opens in London on July 10th and it is called Club4climate and its slogan is "All you have to do is dance to save the world." The way the club is hoping to manage this is with the use of new technology. They will feature a dance floor that is designed to harness the energy of people pounding their feet when they dance and convert that into electricity to run the lights and play the music and such. The dance floor is set on springs that are placed underneath it. As the clubbers dance the energy that is produced is transferred from the springs to a set of batteries that are rechargeable. The batteries can then be used to provide electricity to run the club and thereby help reduce its carbon footprint. They wont be able to eliminate their "carbon footprint" totally but the club owners are stating that the human powered dance floor may be able to provide up to 60% of the clubs energy needs. Most scientists believe that this figure is a bit high. Whatever the amount of energy is that they can produce it is a step in the right direction. The human powered dance floor is not the only step the club is taking to go green though. They will also feature "Bio-Beer", which is brewed by a process that is supposed to be less harmful to the environment, The toilets in the club will be flushed with rainwater that is stored in collection tanks, and it will offer free admission to any club goers who can prove that they traveled to get there either on foot, by bike, or by using public transit.

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